Our company was delistedon October 9, 2024.


Notice Concerning Medium-Term
Management Plan

Chilled & Frozen Logistics Holdings Co., Ltd. ("C&F") announces that, board of directors meeting has resolved the revision of the Medium-term Management Plan (from FY2022 to FY2024) announced on May 10, 2022, as a 3-year plan from FY2023 to FY2025.

Basic Policy

"Achieving sustainable low temperature zone logistics, meeting the needs of new cold-chains"

In an era where all local communities, companies, and people face various difficulties, including the spread of COVID-19 and rapid climate change, the company will provide "safe and secure food logistics" and strengthen its profit structure by developing and expanding a new cold chain that connects consumption needs with supply needs for low-temperature controlled products, including food, which are different from conventional channels.

By strengthening our profit structure in light of challenging new business domains and facing and sincerely working closely with all stakeholders’ issues including measures to address the natural environment where changes are accelerating, C&F will build a sustainable cold chain logistics business that fulfills our responsibilities for the future and enhance our corporate value.

Basic Strategy (Key Measures)


Building a Sustainable Logistics Business


Enhancing Corporate Value through Strategic Financial Structure


Strengthening the Functions and Earnings Base of Existing Businesses Centered on the Joint Delivery Business


Promoting Investment in Growing Fields


①Investing in the development and introduction of new technologies in order to rise up the productivity in respect of manpower-saving and address the environmental issues as sustainability initiatives.
②Accelerating the growth speed by promoting investment in businesses such as overseas business, e-commerce logistics and pharmaceutical logistics and by business alliance with other companies.
③Enhancing profitability and expanding business volume by both organic and inorganic growth including through the M&A that contributes to strengthening the existing business.

About Financial Strategy

(1)Basic Policy

Based on the basic policy of "Realizing Enhancement of Shareholder Value and Corporate Value Based on increasing Profit Margins and Through an Optimal Capital Structure.," the following financial target figures are set from the three perspectives of sustainable growth, ensuring financial soundness, and enhancing shareholder returns under this policy.

(2)Target figures

(Performance Actual)

(Performance target)

(Performance target)

Consolidated operating revenue

116,000 million yen

119,100 million yen

122,400 million yen

Consolidated operating profit

million yen

million yen

million yen

(Return on equity)

8.0% or higher by FY2025

Capital adequacy ratio

Approx. 45%

Dividend payout ratio

20% or more (up to 30% or more gradually)

Capital investment

33,500 million yen

the revision of 3rd Medium-term Management Plan